Auction: July 2020 Online Auction 14/07/2020

39 Union Street, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 1PL

Property Details
Auction Details
A vacant town centre retail unit extending to approximately 110.40 Sq M (1,189 Sq Ft) and comprising ground floor retail space, most recently used as a cafe/bakery, together with ancillary accommodation to the first floor.
The property is located on Union Street in the centre of Accrington with nearby occupiers including Boots, Santander and Coral.

DescriptionSq MSq Ft
Ground Floor66.40715
First Floor44.00474
* Floor areas taken from VOA website.
Approx Site Area
Approximately 75 Sq M (90 Sq Yds).
Interested parties should consult direct with the Local Planning Authority: Hyndburn Borough Council, Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF. Telephone: 01254 388 111 Email: [email protected].
VAT is payable at the prevailing rate in addition to the sale price.
1. The property is entered in the 2017 Rating List as "Shop and Premises" with a Rateable Value of £12,250.

2. Energy Performance Certificate = G.

3. Following latest government guidelines we are happy to announce that, where access is available, we can now consider viewing requests.

Please note that in order to ensure the safety of our customers and our employees, any viewings provided will be done so in accordance with the current Covid 19 guidelines in terms of social distancing and hygiene.

If you would like to request a viewing please email us at [email protected] detailing the lot number in question and your request will be responded to explaining the process in detail, although please note that it may not be possible to provide a viewing due to factors outside our control.

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